- Title
Handbook of Coins of the PeloponnesosAchaia, Phleiasia, Sikyonia, Elis, Triphylia, Messenia, Lakonia, Argolis, and Arkadia
- Authors
Hoover Oliver D.
- Preface
- D. Scott VanHorn & Bradley R. Nelson
- Series
- HGC - The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 5
- Publisher
- Classical Numismatic Group, LLC
- Year of publication
- 2011
- Language
- English
- Number of pages
- 293
- Format
- Hardcover
- Size
- 14.5 x 22.3 x 2.5 cm
- Weight
- 679 g
- 9780980238778
- Notes
- Beginning in the northern Peloponessos with Achaia, this volume is arranged southward around the coast, and then northward, ending with Arkadia in the central Peloponessos. The mints within each region are arranged alphabetically. The coinage within each city is arranged chronologically, beginning with the Archaic issues and continuing through the later civic issues in the name of Alexander. Issues in this catalog arranged in the catalog with silver first, followed by bronze; each metal is arranged by denomination, largest to smallest. Also included in this catalog are the issues of the Achaian and Arkadian Leagues.
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- New
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