The coins of Tarentum from VI century BC to 350 BC.
D’Andrea, Alberto; Miglioli, Marco; Tafuri Giuseppe & Vonghia, Enrico.
Edizioni D'Andrea. Roseto degli Abruzzi, 2022.
In-4, pp. 366 testo illustrato a colori, copertina rigida con sovracoperta.
Lingua: italiano & inglese.
Language: Italian & English.
Nuovo. New.
The complete project on the Tarentine coinage provides for the publication of four volumes: the
first three are only on the coins (from the beginning to the Roman conquest), while the fourth deals
with the typological, epigraphic and figurative aspects connected to the coinage. The first volume
deals with the period from the 6 th century BC to 350 BC.
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