Dea Moneta
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Lot # 78
Greek Italy. Southern Apulia, Tarentum. AR Nomos, c. 240-228 BC. Reduced standard. Obv. Dioskouros, head facing, raising right hand and holding rein in left, on horse stepping left; monogram and pileos to right; ΞE-NOKPA/[T]-HΣ in two lines below. Rev. Phalanthos, nude, head and torso facing, holding trident over shoulder in right hand, and lifting drapery with left, riding dolphin left; TAPAΣ to left; monogram to right, waves and cuttlefish below. HN Italy 1058; Vlasto 955; SNG ANS 1256–7. AR. 6.68 g. 20.00 mm. A superb example, well centred, brilliant and lightly toned.Struck from worn dies. EF.