Gregory XVI, Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari of Belluno. Pope from 1831 to 1846. Visit to the Apostolic Hospice of St. Michael in Rome. Bronze medal 1834 (Year IV). By Giuseppe Cerbara. (Bronze, 55.79 mm, 75.77 g). S BENEDICTO COENOBITAR PER OCCID PARENTI Bust of St. Benedict nimbate with joined hands in prayer turning his head left upwards to the Sacred Light; below, CERBARA IOSEPH EXCVD. Rev. S MAURO ABB GREGORIVS XVI ANTEA MAVRVS ABB CAMALD Episode from the life of San Mauro; on the exergual line, CERBARA IOS F; in exergue, IN HOSPITIO APOSTOL AN MDCCCXXXIV. Boccia 54. Patrignani 1929, 31. Martini 1210. Nearly Uncirculated. Rare.
Ex Tkalec, May 7, 2008 part II, lot 764.
Mauro was the name assumed by Bartolomeo Cappellari when he entered the Camaldolese Order at the age of eighteen in St. Michael in Murano.