Germany. William V Duke of Bavaia, 1548-1626, and Renata of Lorraine, 1544-1602, daughter of Duke Feanz I. of Lorraine. Copper plated bronze medal 1585 by Hubert Gerhart, München. (Copper plated bronze, 77.00 mm). BENEFAC DOMINE BONIS ET RECTIS CORDE PSALM CXXIV Faced busts. William bearded is wearing a cuirass with a drape and a showy collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, left. Renata is wearing a high-necked dress with a Spanish ruff and a gaudy jewel with pendant at the breast. Her hair is tied into a hairnet ending in a sort of ponytail and a jewel with pendant on the forehead is holding the hairstyle. In exergue in three lines between a coat-of-arm, COR VN VM ET ANI MA VNA 15 85. High in the field within a radiate halo the Jesuit monogram, HIS surmounted by a flowered cross and three studs beneath. Rev. HIS GVILHELMVS V D G COM PALAT RHE VTRIVSQ BAVA DVX ET RENATA LOTAR EIVS CONIVNX HOC SOCIETATIS IESV TEMPL ATQ COL PROSVA IN CATHOL RELIG ET ORDI ILLVM PIE A FVNDA EX TRVX AC DOTAR AN SA HVM M D LXXXV MONACHI in thirteen lines in the field. Habich nr. 3191, plate CCCIV, 3; Ges. Wittelsbach, nr. 566; Dworschak, Jahrbuch a. a. O. p. 233, plate XXIX, 4. Pierced. An extremely fine original cast.
The medal shows the year 1585 during which the duke obtained the famous decoration of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Jesuit monogram reminds the putting of the first stone for the construction of the Jesuit Church of Saint Michael in München.
Ex Astarte XX, 30 Ottobre 2009 lot 471.