Pietro Berettini “da Cortona” , 1596-1669. Bronze medal by C.J.F. Cheron (Bronze, 72.74 mm, 108.95 g). PETRVS BERETINVS E CORTONNA Right bust of Berettini with draped cloak. Rev. BENE SVPER VIRTVS TE CORONAT ANAGR The Winged Lady, lying in a long draped tunic. The right arm is outstretched and the right hand holds a sceptre towards a crown of eight-pointed stars above. In small F CHERON F R. Johnson I, p. 204, n.124. Rizzini 885. Museum Mazzucchellianum II, CXX/ 2. Extremely Fine.
The legend on the reverse of this medal is an anagram of the wording on the obverse.