Dea Moneta
Banner Astarte XXIII
Lot # 691
Pius IX, Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti of Senigallia. Pope from 1846 to 1878. Construction of the Ariccia bridge. Silver annual medal 1851 Year VI. By Giuseppe Cerbara. (Silver, 43.28 mm, 34.39 g). PIVS IX PONT MAX ANNO VI Bust left with zucchetto, mozzetta and stole decorated with the Pope insignia and The Holy Spirit; under the shoulder cut, GIUS CERBARA F. Rev. View of the imposing bridge of Ariccia with three rows of arches; at sides, flowered rocky frame; in exergue, ALBANO ET ARICIA PONTE CONJVNCTIS MDCCCLI. Bartolotti 1988, p. 101, VI – n. 1. Bartolotti 1967, 851. Modesti 2009, 318. Donini p. 291-295. Lincoln 2270. Nearly Uncirculated. Beautiful iridescent patina. 3074 silver specimens minted The medal commemorates the construction of this extremely important work which came to connect the town of Albano Laziale with Ariccia, the ancient city already mentioned in the times of Tarquinius Superbus. The grandiose viaduct with three rows of arches, 300 meters long and 59 high, which boldly spans a valley formed by an extinct volcanic crater, was designed by the architect Giuseppe Bartolini. The works begun in 1847, ended in 1853 and the inauguration was carried out by the Pope on October 12, 1854. The bridge, destroyed on June 3, 1944 during the Second World War, was rebuilt in 1947. (from F. Bartolotti) (cf. Donini - cited).