Gregory XVI, Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari of Belluno. Pope from 1831 to 1846. Completion of the two tunnels for the deviation of the course of the Aniene in Tivoli. Extraordinary silver medal 1835, Year V. By Carl Heinrich Lorenz. (Silver, 75.95 mm, 201.70 g). GREGORIVS XVI AVSV ROMANO SACRI PRINCIPATVS ANNO II INCHOAVIT V PERFECIT Panoramic view of the entrance to the two new tunnels of the Aniene at Monte Catillo; to right, along the outline, H LORENZ F. Rev. TIBVRTES CATILLO PERFORATO INDVCTO ANIENE SERVATI ANNO DOMINI MDCCCXXXV Panoramic waterfalls view of the two new Aniene exit tunnels at Monte Catillo; to right, part of the city of Tivoli. Boccia 66. Patrignani 1929, 39. Martini 1998, 1215. Small edge nicks. Nearly Uncirculated. Extremely rare silver medal.
Ex Negrini auction 32, December 3, 2010, lot 901.