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Lot # 31
KINGS OF THRACE. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 36.15 mm, 16.57 g) Byzantion, posthumous issue, circa 250/100 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander wearing horn of Hammon right. Rev. LYΣIMAXOY vertical to left, BAΣIΛΕΩΣ vertical to right. Athena Nikephoros draped and wearing long crested helmet, seated on throne left, holding Nike to left on her right hand crowning the Lysimacho’s name, transverse spear behind her, resting the left arm bent on shield set vertical to right decorated with lion head, monogram in the left field, BY on throne, trident orizontal to left decorated with two dolphins in exergue. Thompson pl. 24, 11a var.; Muller 197. Very Fine. From a European collection formed prior to 2005.