Dea Moneta
Banner Art-Rite 90

Art-Rite 90


Event Type
Proxy auction

Attention: this auction will not take place on the Dea Moneta portal: through the Dea Moneta it will only be possible to send bids to the auction house

Event info

The auction will be held at Palazzo Largo Augusto - Largo Augusto, 1/A, ang. Via Verziere, 13, Milan.


LIVE auction:


Diritti d’asta: La Commissione d’acquisto è stabilita nella misura del 25,00% del Prezzo di aggiudicazione del lotto fino alla concorrenza dell’importo di euro 500.000,00 (cinquecentomila/00). Per ogni parte del Prezzo di aggiudicazione eccedente l’importo di euro 500.000,00 (cinquecentomila/00) la Commissione d’acquisto è stabilita nella misura del 18,00%.


The exhibition of lots will be open on October 8th and 9th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm CEST and on October 10th from 9:00 to 1:00 pm CET at Palazzo Largo Augusto (Largo Augusto, 1/A, ang. Via Verziere, 13, Milan).

Event date
Auction Pre-sale ends on: Thursday 10th October 2024 12:00:00 PM.
Live sessions
  • Session Thursday 10th October 2024 03:00:00 PM, from lot 1 to lot 250.
Buyer’s premium
Art-Rite S.r.l.
Via Giovanni Ventura 5, 20134 Milano (MI), Italia
IT 09626240965
Mobile phone
+39 324 788 4892
+39 02 8721 5926