Dea Moneta
Banner Astarte Web Auction 8
Lot # 268
NAVILLE ET CIE. (ARS CLASSICA S. A. dal 1926), Genéve. N° VIII. CATALOGUE DE MONNAIES ROMAINES ANTIQUES EN OR, ARGENT ET BRONZE COMPOSANT LA COLLECTION CLARENCE S. BEMENT DE PHILADELPHIE. ( U.S.A. ). 25-28 Juin 1924. Geneve, 1924. 4°. (2), 3, (1), 1, (1), 107, (1) pages, 1770 lots, 64 plates. Headers, drop cap, final. Prices written at the sides of the pages. Some burnishing. Slight tear to the spine. Editorial paperback. Very good condition. Clain-Stefanelli 1942*, 3658. Grierson p. 280. Spring 685