ECKHEL, Joseph Hilarius Von. LEZIONI ELEMENTARI DI NUMISMATICA ANTICA DELL’ABBATE ECKHEL TRADOTTE DAL TEDESCO DAL P. D. FELICE CARONNI DELLA CONGR. DE’ CH. REG. DI S. PAOLO E DEDICATE AL REVERENDISSIMO PADRE D. FRANCESCO FONTANA PROP. GENERALE DELLA MEDESIMA SEGRETARIO DELLA CONGR. DELLA REVISIONE DE’LIBRI ORIENTALI CONSULTORE DELLA SUPREMA E DE’ S. RITI EC.EC. Roma, nella Stamperia Pagliarini con licenza de’ Superiori, 1808. 8°. 19 x 13 cm. Final on frontispiece. viii, 82 pages, 6 folded charts of coins plates finely engraved at the end of the text. Original period parchment binding with gilt titles on the spine. 3 pages with a small lack at the top without damage to the text. Browning at the top of the pages.
Boffito I, p. 421. Mionnet, p. 290. Reina 1055.
Much sought-after first edition of the main study by Joseph von Eckhel, the father of modern numismatics, in the translation made by the Barnabite Felice Caronni (1747-1815), his friend and profound connoisseur of the subject. With his monumental Doctrina numorum veterum Eckhel affirmed a new orientation to the discipline, following in the description of coins not the alphabetical order by city, but the geographical order of Strabo, laying the foundations for the modern cataloguing of ancient numismatics still adopted today. gr. 278