A.N.S. – Museum Notes 26. New York, 1981. Contents. JOHN H. KROLL. From Wappenmunzen to Georgoneia to Owls. MARGARET THOMPSON. The Cavalla hoard (IGCH 450). THOMAS R.MARTIN. A third century b.C. hoard from Thessaly at the ANS (IGCH 168). RALPH W. MATHISEN. Antigonus gonatas and the silver coinages of Macedonia circa 280-270 b.C. MICHAEL WEISKOPF. The Kuh Dasht hoard and the Parthian “dark age”. MARK D. MC LEAN. The initial coinage of Alexander Jannaeus. KENNETH W.HARL. Caracalla or Elagabalus? The imperial imago at the Greek mint of Magnesia ad Maeandrum. WILLIAM E.METCALF. A corrigendum to the Cistophori of Hadrian. M.R. KAISER-RAISS. Posthumous Hadrianic medallions? GERI HOCKFIELD MALANDRA. Transitional style in the Siva images on Kusana gold coins. MICHAEL L.BATES. The Ottoman coinage of Tilimsan. JOHN L. VARRIANO Some documentary evidence on the restriking of early papal medals. Pp. 223, tavv. 32. Ril. ed. buono stato