AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. V Seventh Series. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1965. Tela ed. pp. 284 – lxvi, tavv. XXII in b/n. Buono stato. Contents: May, J.M.F.: The coinage of Dikaia-by-Abdera c. 540/35 - 476/5 B.C.·» 1-25, pl.1-2 May, J.M.F.: The coinage of Maroneia c. 520 - 449/8 B.C. ·» 27-56, pl.3-5 Perlman, S.: The coins of Philip II and Alexander the Great and their Pan-Hellenic propaganda ·» 57-67 Bivar, A.D.H.: Indo-Bactrian problems ·» 69-108, pl.6-8 Mukherjee, B.N.: The location of a mint of the Azes dynasty ·» 109-112, pl.9 Sellwood, David G.: Wroth's unknown Parthian king ·» 113-135, pl.10-11. Macdowall, David W.: The dynasty of the later Indo-Parthians ·» 137-148, pl.12 Crawford, M.H.: N. Fabi Pictor ·» 149-154, pl.13-14 Hill, Philip V.: Some architectural types of Trajan ·» 155-160, pl.15 Boon, George C.: Light-weights and 'Limesfalsa' ·» 161-174, pl.16-17 Reece, Richard: Analyses of some Roman imperial denarii of the second and early third centuries ·» 175-176 Carson, R.A.G.: Springhead, Gravesend (Kent), Roman imperial treasure trove ·» 177- 182 Grierson, Philip: The copper coinage of Leo III (717-41) and Constantine V (720-75) ·» 183-196, pl.18-19 Dolley, R.H.M.: A spurious hoard of Northumbrian copper coins from Bath ·» 197-200, pl.20 Dolley, R.H.M.: Master Percival de Porche of 'Luk' - Italian or Liégeois? ·» 201-203 Mukherjee, B.N.: The dates on two silver coins of Toramāna ·» 205-208, pl.9 Mitchell, Helen W.: A hoard of dirhams from Ardekan ·» 209-220, pl.21 Lowick, N.M.: Coins of Sulaimān Mīrzā of Badakhshān ·» 221-229, pl.22 Sperber, Daniel: Islamic metrology from Jewish sources ·» 231-237 Mattingly, Harold (1884-1964) - Obituary and bibliography, by Carson, R.A.G. ·» 239- 254 Walker, John (1900-1964) - Obituary and bibliography, by Carson, R.A.G. / Mitchell, Helen W. ·» 255-264.