Sicily. Entella. Punic issues. AR Tetradrachm, c. 320/315-305/300 BC. Obv. Head of Arethousa left, wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and necklace; four dolphins around. Rev. Head of horse left; [palm tree to right], M (in Punic) below. HGC 2 289; SNG Lloyd 1641; Jenkins 263 (O81/R219). 16.66 g. 27.00 mm. Lightly toned with iridescent hues, minor traces of corrosions. Good VF. The location of the main Carthaginian mint in Sicily identified by Punic inscription as 'The Camp' has recently been identified as Entella, a fortress city located in central-west Sicily. Founded by the Trojans in the 500s BC, Entella was conquered by Campanian mercenaries in about 410 BC, who quickly sold their services to the Carthaginians. The city remained a Punic stronghold through most of the fourth century.