Roman period, 2nd century AD.
Bronze fibula cast in the form of a bird with long tail and open wings. On each wing is a circular bronze decoration.
30x30 mm. These zoomorphic fibulae are similar to a type (Feugère 29a32, Riha 7.25, Etlinger 48) known from Roman Gaul, Germany and Britain. The contexts in which this type of fibula was found date from the second half of the 2nd century AD.
Bibl: Callewaert 2012, p. 118, pl. 2, n. 7.22.
Roman period, 2nd century AD.
Bronze fibula cast in the form of a bird with long tail and open wings. On each wing is a circular bronze decoration.
30x30 mm. These zoomorphic fibulae are similar to a type (Feugère 29a32, Riha 7.25, Etlinger 48) known from Roman Gaul, Germany and Britain. The contexts in which this type of fibula was found date from the second half of the 2nd century AD.
Bibl: Callewaert 2012, p. 118, pl. 2, n. 7.22.