C. Coelius Caldus. AR Denarius, 51 BC. Obv. [C. CO]EL. CALDVS. Bare head of C. Coelius Caldus right; below, COS;in left field, standard inscribed HIS; in right field, standard in the form of a boar. Rev. Tablet inscribed L. CALDVS/VII VIR. EPVL, behind which figure preparing epulum; on either side of table, a trophy. On outer left field, CALD[VS]; on outer right field, I/MP/AV (igate)/X. In exergue, [CALDVS. III VIR]. Cr. 437/2a; B. 7. 3.26 g. 19.00 mm. R. Rare. Porous, with areas of weakness, otherwise. about VF.