Impero Bizanzino.Costantino V con Leone IV (741-775) Solido. Siracusa c. 751-775 d.C.; AV (g 3,82; mm 21); (Legenda frammentaria), busti coronati frontali di Costantino V, con corta barba, e Leone IV, indossano clamide; sopra, croce, Rv. [..] EON PA M [..], busto frontale coronato di Leone III, indossa loros e regge una lunga croce. DOC 15c; Sear 1565. qFDC
Constantinus V with Leo IV (741-775), Solidus, Syracuse, c. AD 751-775; AV (g 3,82; mm 21; ); (Fragmentary legend), facing crowned busts of Constantinus V, with short beard, and Leo IV, wearing chlamys; above, cross, Rv. [..] EON PA M [..], facing crowned bust of Leo III, wearing loros and holding long cross. DOC 15c; Sear 1565. Rare, extremely fine. extremely fine.