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Banner Tintinna - listino di vendita 2022
Lot # 48940

Impero Romano.Teodosio II. 402-450 d.C.Solido .D1 DN THEODOSIVS  PF AVG busto diademato a destra R\VICTORIA AVGGG  l' imperatore con labaro regge una vittoriola nel campo RV in esergo CONOB.Peso 4,45 gr.Diametro 22 mm.SPL. RR

Theodosius II. AD 402-450. AV Solidus (22mm, 4.45 g). Ravenna mint. Struck AD 402-423. Pearl-diadmed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Theodosius standing right, foot on bound captive, holding labarum with right hand and Victory set on globe in left; R-V//COMOB. RIC X 1329 and 1801; Ranieri 66-67; Depeyrot 7/3.