ATTENTION for non-Italian customers or who wish to receive coins outside the ITALIAN borders:
Please note that to send ancient coins out of Italy it is MANDATORY to obtain a permit for free circulation from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage,
to have this permit it is necessary to have a copy of the customer's identity document to be attached to the request
together with the documentation of the coin to be produced by the Numismatic Studio Tintinna
the free circulation permit is requested by the shipper from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the cost is 40 euros for the practice + 4 euros for each item added to each individual shipment.
The time for issuing the free movement permit is approximately 15 working days.

Mondo Greco.Seleucidi. Antioco VII 138-129 a.C.Tetradracma.Antiochia sull' Oronte .D\ Testa diademata di Antioco a destra.R\ Atena Nikephoros stante a sinistra con scudo e lancia, regge Nike.Peso16,80 gr.Diametro 33mm.SPL.
Antiochos VII Euergetes (Sidetes). 138-129 a.C. AR Tetradrachm (31mm, 16.78 g, 12h). Antioch on the Orontes mint. Diademed head right / Athena Nikephoros standing left, resting hand on shield, and propping spear on her arm; to outer left, mint monogram above AP monogram; all within wreath. SC 2061.1o; Lorber, Die, Group 3, 360–3 (obv. die A45); HGC 9, 1067d. Bright surfaces, a few light marks. Good VF.