RIVISTA ITALIANA DI NUMISMATICA E SCIENZE AFFINI - Volume III, s. V. n. LVII. (1955). – Perugia, pp. 186, ill., 6 tavv. Dall'Indice: A. PAGANI, In memory of Count Antonio Sormani Andreani Verri - L. BRUNETTI, Contribution to the chronology of the Mint of Velia and Neapolis – L. S. CESANO, Di Uranio Antonino and other more or less known forgeries of Roman coins - F. PANVINI ROSATI, Observations on Roman coin types depicting monuments of Rome - G. GIORGI, The legend of the origins of Rome in a rare Hadrian's medallion - B. SESLER, Arch of Domitian at Iseo Campense - P. TRIBOLATI, Two great mint engravers of the Milanese "Cesarea" mint: Leone Leoni from Arezzo, Jacopo da Trezzo - P. TRIBOLATI, Different types of ducatoni and filippi coined in the Mint of Milan by Philip III of Spain - P. TRIBOLATI, Bargaining of the Milanese parpagliola to the type of "Providentia" - C. ASTENGO, The parpagliola and the date of its minting in Genoa - A. PATRIGNANI, Unresolved and insoluble the doubts about the attribution of the youth medal of Lucrezia Borgia - P. VANDONI, Milanese charity cards (part II). Estremamente raro.
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Closing on: 2025-03-22 09:30:00 Roma time