Dea Moneta
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The Misterious Silphium Plant
Lot # 332
KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Time of Magas (Ptolemaic governor, first reign, circa 300-282/75 BC). Didrachm.

Obv: Horned head of Karneios left.
Rev: KY - PA.
Silphium plant; coiled serpent to upper left, I-ΠO monogram to upper right.

SNG Copenhagen 1239; BMC 244-5.

Founded in 631 B.C. by settlers from the island of Thera, Cyrene was soon one of the richest and most important Greek cities. The period from the end of the Battiadian dynasty to the rise of Alexander the Great was the city's golden age. It earned the nickname 'Athens of Africa', hosting important philosophers such as Aristippos, the poet Callimachos and the astronomer Eratosthenes.

Condition: Very fine.

Weight: 7.61 g.
Diameter: 20 mm.