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Results from 1 to 18 of 18

Starting price: CHF 180
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Starting price: CHF 160
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Starting price: CHF 130
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 646 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Richard the Lionheart, 1169-1199. Denier. (Silver, 19.07 mm, 1.04 g). Poitou. RICARDVS REX PICTAVIE Cross pattée within inner circle and legend within outer circle. Rev. PICTAVIENSIS in the field in three lines. Elias 8j. Scarce. Ex H. Dolman Collection. Ex abccoinandtoken, 24.06.2015. Ex David Stuart 8.7.2015. Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199) was duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitou from 1169. He paid homage to Louis VII in 1172 and took possession of his dukedom in 1174. Having conspired against his father with his brothers, he was obliged in 1185 to surrender Aquitaine, which was entrusted to his mother Alienor of Aquitaine. Richard the Lionheart is the second son of Henry II Plantagenet and Alienor of Aquitaine. In 1175, with the help of Louis VII of France, he and his brothers rebelled against their father. A homosexual, he was manipulated by Philip, the future king of France (Philip II Augustus). He became heir to the kingdom after the death of his brother Henry in 1183 and succeeded his father in 1189. He spent the ten years of his reign fighting in the Holy Land and France. He took part in the Third Crusade and almost retook Jerusalem. He dealt with Saladin. On his return, he was taken prisoner in Austria and remained there for two years. Married to Berangère of Navarre, the daughter of Sanche VI who never set foot in England, he had no children. He died during the siege of the fortress of Chalus in 1190 and was buried in Fontevrault Abbey, like his mother Alienor, five years later.
Starting price: CHF 150
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 647 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Richard the Lionheart, 1169-1199. Denier, 1st type. (Silver, 18 mm, 0.85 g). Bordeaux (?). + RICA RDVS in two lines between omega and crosslet. Rev. + AGVITANIE Potent cross. Bd. 471 (3f). PA. 2760. E.4. Elias 10a. Extremely Fine. A fine example of this often crude coinage. Wide flan. EX CGF, 26th July 1999, lot 750. Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199) was duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitou from 1169. He paid homage to Louis VII in 1172 and took possession of his dukedom in 1174. Having conspired against his father with his brothers, he was obliged in 1185 to surrender Aquitaine, which was entrusted to his mother Alienor of Aquitaine. Richard the Lionheart is the second son of Henry II Plantagenet and Alienor of Aquitaine. In 1175, with the help of Louis VII of France, he and his brothers rebelled against their father. A homosexual, he was manipulated by Philip, the future king of France (Philip II Augustus). He became heir to the kingdom after the death of his brother Henry in 1183 and succeeded his father in 1189. He spent the ten years of his reign fighting in the Holy Land and France. He took part in the Third Crusade and almost retook Jerusalem. He dealt with Saladin. On his return, he was taken prisoner in Austria and remained there for two years. Married to Berangère of Navarre, the daughter of Sanche VI who never set foot in England, he had no children. He died during the siege of the fortress of Chalus in 1190 and was buried in Fontevrault Abbey, like his mother Alienor, five years later.
Starting price: CHF 40
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 648 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Eduard I, 1252-1307, Duke, 1252-1272. Denier with leopard, circa 1253-1272. (Billon, 18.5 mm, 0.85 g). Bordeaux. + EDVVARD’: FILI’ Leopard passing to the left, mouth to the front. Rev. + h’ REGIS ANGLIE Cross patent. Bd. 474 (5f). PA. 2786 (60/13). E. 13b. Elias 30a. More than Fine. An evenly worn specimen on a wide, slightly irregular flan. Ex CGF, 26 July 1999, lot 815. Henry III (1216-1272) entrusted the Duchy of Aquitaine to his son Edward from 1252. By the Treaty of Paris in 1259, the King of England and his son agreed to acknowledge the King of France, Louis IX, as their sovereign and to pay tribute to him for Aquitaine, bringing the first Hundred Years' War to an end. The legend on the coin can be translated as follows: Edward son of Henry king of England. The Aquitanian title does not appear on this denarius. Edward Plantegenet (1239-1307) was the eldest son of Henry III (1216-1272) and Eleonore de Provence. He was first Duke of Aquitaine (1252-1272) and married Eleonore of Castile, who died in 1290. In his second marriage he married Marguerite de France, the daughter of Philip III the Bold (+1317). He paid tribute for Guyenne and Aquitaine and recovered the territories lost at the Treaty of Paris in 1259. After the annexation of Wales, Eduard I made his son Edward the first Prince of Wales, a title subsequently borne by all the Kingdom's heirs. Edward fought against the Scots and defeated them in 1296 and 1298. At the end of his reign, he was faced with the rise of Robert Bruce (1306-1329). The other enemy was Philip IV the Fair, who tried to counter the influence of the Plantagenets in Aquitaine. Philip's daughter Isabella married Edward's son, the future Edward II.
Starting price: CHF 40
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 649 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Eduard I, 1252-1307, King 1272-1307. Denier with leopard, 1st type, circa 1286-1292. (Billon, 18.5 mm, 0.94 g). Bordeaux. + EDWARDVS REX. AGL’ within two lines, above leopard left, E oncial below. Rev. + DVX AQVIT BVRD’ Cross set aside with E oncial at 1st, placed vertically. Bd. 476. PA. 2775. E. 18 var. Elias 42. Very nice specimen of this coinage with a superb cabinet patina. Very Fine. Ex CGF, 26th July 1999, lot 817. For this type there are several types of canting for the reverse letter: 1st or 2nd canton. The E in the second canton is much rarer. For the E in the first canton, the E can be presented straight or diagonally to the cross. Edward Plantegenet (1239-1307) was the eldest son of Henry III (1216-1272) and Eleonore de Provence. He was first Duke of Aquitaine (1252-1272) and married Eleonore of Castile, who died in 1290. In his second marriage he married Marguerite de France, the daughter of Philip III the Bold (+1317). He paid tribute for Guyenne and Aquitaine and recovered the territories lost at the Treaty of Paris in 1259. After the annexation of Wales, Eduard I made his son Edward the first Prince of Wales, a title subsequently borne by all the Kingdom's heirs. Edward fought against the Scots and defeated them in 1296 and 1298. At the end of his reign, he was faced with the rise of Robert Bruce (1306-1329). The other enemy was Philip IV the Fair, who tried to counter the influence of the Plantagenets in Aquitaine. Philip's daughter Isabella married Edward's son, the future Edward II.
Starting price: CHF 100
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Starting price: CHF 230
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Starting price: CHF 180
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 652 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 19 mm, 0.99 g). Bordeaux, B at the end of the obverse legend. + ED: PO: GnS R EG: AGLI: B Bust of the prince facing under a canopy occupying the legend at the top, holding a sword in his right hand and raising his left hand. Rev. PRn CPS* AQIT AnIE Cross reaching to the coin legend, flanked on the 1st and 4th by a lily, on the 2nd and 3rd by a leopard. Bd. cf 513. PA. cf 2949-2953. E. 202. Elias 307a. Very nice specimen on a wide and entire flan. Superb portrait. Extremely Fine. Ex CGF, 12th December 1998, lot 938. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The hardi “d'argent “was created at the same time as the hardi “d'or” and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 250
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 653 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 19.40 mm, 1.04 g). Limoges mint. Half-lengh figure of prince facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding, no stops in legend both sides, L at end of legend. Rev. Long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, lis in first and fourth angles, leopard in second and third. Elias 204. Toned with a trace of ghosting, a few small rim splits, otherwise very fine. Ex Baldwin's Fixed Price List Summer 2004, lot GAL 020. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The hardi “d'argent “was created at the same time as the hardi “d'or” and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 270
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 654 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 19.5 mm, 1.11 g). Poitiers (P in the reverse legend). ED PO GENT REGI AGLE (Edward the first son of the king of England) Bust of the prince facing under a canopy adorned with two annulets and occupying the legend at the top, holding a sword in his right hand (a pointed annulus on the hilt) and raising his left hand. Rev. PRn-CPS AQpI Tan (prince d’Aquitaine) Cross reaching to the coin legend, flanked on the 1st and 4th by a lily, on the 2nd and 3rd by a leopard. Bd. 513. PA 3014. E 205b. Elias 313. Very Fine. Ex CGF, price list, 31st December 2002, lot 808. This hardi is struck on an irregular and slightly short blank with a small metal shortage at 6 o'clock. There is a slight scratch in the first quarter of the cross on the reverse. The relief is quite clear on the bust. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The hardi “d'argent “was created at the same time as the hardi “d'or” and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 100
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 655 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Billon, 18.5 mm, 0.93 g). La Rochelle, R in the obverse legend. + ED: PO: GnS REG: AGLIE Bust of the prince facing under a canopy, holding a sword in his right hand and raising his left hand. Rev. five-petal rose PRn EPS rose R AQIT AnIE Cross cutting the legend, flanked on the 1st and 4th by a lily, on the 2nd and 3rd by a leopard. Bd. cf.513. PA. 3052. E. 206a. Elias 314. A fine specimen, although the cross on the reverse appears as a negative on the obverse. Slight indentation at 5 o'clock. Very Fine. Ex Verret Collection, with its original label written with pen. Ex CGF, 26th July 1999, lot 924. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The Silver Hardi was created at the same time as the Golden Hardi and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. The town of La Rochelle was ceded to the English under the Brétigny Peace Treaty, ratified in Calais on 24 October 1360. Between 23 January and 7 April 1361, the city's mint quickly struck gold leopards in the name of Edward III. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 40
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 656 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 19.51 mm, 0.97 g). Tarbes mint, small T at the end of the legend. Half-length figure of prince facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above, beaded circle and legend surrounding. Rev. Long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, lis in first and third angles, leopard in second and fourth, two rosette stops. Elias 207a. AGC 232 A.8a. S.8134. Toned, a few rim nicks and some die clash evident, good Very Fine. Ex Baldwin's Fixed Price List, Summer 2016, lot GAL010. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The hardi “d'argent “was created at the same time as the hardi “d'or” and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 180
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 657 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 19.5 mm, 1.03 g). Unspecified workshop. ED: PO’: GIT.’ REG AnGL (Edward first son of King of England) Bust of the prince facing under a canopy occupying the legend at the top, holding a sword in his right hand (a ringlet in the guard) and raising his left hand. Rev. * PRI CPS rose AQT AnE (Prince of Aquitaine) Cross reaching to the coin legend, flanked on the 1st and 4th by a lily, on the 2nd and 3rd by a leopard. High relief coin on obverse and reverse. Very wide flan. Small weakness on the end of the obverse legend. Bd. 513. PA. -. E. 208. Elias 317. Extremely Fine. Ex CGF, 30th December 2000, lot 986. Several Hardi of the Black Prince are not referable to a particular workshop, because like our specimen they do not bear a letter or any other mark. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 140
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 658 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi. (Silver, 18.62 mm, 1.00 g). No mint letter. Standing half-lengh figure of King pointing with upright sword. Rev. Long cros, alternating lis and leopard in angles, rosette stops. Elias 208a. Toned, small chip, some ghosting otherwise about very fine and rare. Ex Baldwin's, Argentum Auction A 215, 6th June 2015, lot 266. Hardi was created relatively late, according to Elias, around 1368. The hardi “d'argent “was created at the same time as the hardi “d'or” and must have been struck at the same time as the second issue of the “demi-gros” and the “esterlin” d'Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 70
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Lot # 659 - France. Aquitaine. Duchy of Aquitaine. Edward the Black Prince, 1362-1372. Hardi, circa 1368-1372. (Silver, 18.5 mm, 0.92 g). Agen, A at the end of the obverse legend. + ED PO G… G. AGLIE. A (Edward first son of the king of England) Bust of the prince crowned with roses, facing under a canopy, holding a sword in his right hand and raising his left hand. Rev. rose PRn CPS rose AQIT AnIE (Prince of Aquitaine) Cross cutting the legend, flanked on the 1st and 4th by a lily, on the 2nd and 3rd by a leopard. Clean, well-struck portrait. Blank wide and spotted on the right. Dark patina on reverse. Small crack at 1 o'clock. Bd. 513. PA. 2924 var. Hewitt. type 2, var. E. 208b (RRR). Elias 306. Very rare and Very Fine. Ex Beneut Collection (sold with label). Ex CGF, 16th June 2000, lot 1231. The manufacture of silver Hardi began around 1368 in Agen. The Agen region came under royal control at the end of the reign of Charles V, known as ‘the Wise’. Elias, in the sales catalogue of his collection, classifies this coin without certainty in the Agen workshop. Apart from the specimen in his collection, he knew of no other Hardi of this type. Our coin, in an identical style, completes the reading of the specimen in the Elias collection. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376) was the eldest son of Edward III Plantagenet and Philippa of Hainaut. He took up arms for the first time at the Battle of Crecy in 1346, where he was greatly impressed by the chivalrous attitude of John the Blind, King of Bohemia, who preferred to die rather than suffer the shame of defeat. His heraldic arms will be ostrich feathers, which the King of Bohemia already wore. Edward the Black Prince was in Aquitaine in 1355 and began a campaign in Poitou the following year. He crushed the French at Poitiers and took King John the Good prisoner. The Treaty of Bretigny in May 1360 confirmed the independence of Aquitaine. Edward became its first prince in 1362. He arrived in Bordeaux in 1363. War with France resumed in 1369. After the first English defeats in Aquitaine, the Black Prince returned to England in 1371 and the following year renounced his principality. He died in 1376. His father Edward III died the following year. Richard II, son of the Black Prince, ascended the throne.
Starting price: CHF 40
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time
Starting price: CHF 280
B.P.: 18.50%
Closing on: 2025-03-30 14:30:00 Roma time

Results from 1 to 18 of 18