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> | € 5'000,00 |
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Live Bidding Saturday 7th January 2023 04:00:00 PM CET
Celtcil Coins (1-91)
Greek Coins (92-242)
The Roman Republic (243-510)
The Roman Empire (511-679)
Live Bidding Sunday 8th January 2023 04:00:00 PM CET
Barbaric and Migration Period Coinage (680-687)
The Byzantine Empire (688-737)
Islam (738-743)
Oriente Latino (744-748)
Monete e Medaglie di Zecche Italiane (749-1014)
Casa Savoia - Regno di Sardegna - Regno di Italia (1015-1057)
Medaglie Papali (1058-1126)
Medaglie e Placchette (1127-1182)
World Coins (1183-1217)
Lotti (1218-1228)
Info & contacts
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Live Bidding Saturday 7th January 2023 04:00:00 PM CET
Celtcil Coins (1-91)
Greek Coins (92-242)
The Roman Republic (243-510)
The Roman Empire (511-679)
Live Bidding Sunday 8th January 2023 04:00:00 PM CET
Barbaric and Migration Period Coinage (680-687)
The Byzantine Empire (688-737)
Islam (738-743)
Oriente Latino (744-748)
Monete e Medaglie di Zecche Italiane (749-1014)
Casa Savoia - Regno di Sardegna - Regno di Italia (1015-1057)
Medaglie Papali (1058-1126)
Medaglie e Placchette (1127-1182)
World Coins (1183-1217)
Lotti (1218-1228)