AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 180 London The Royal Numismatic Society 2020. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. Vi, 557, xi. Tavv. 57 in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice:Visonà, Paolo: A new dating for a unique series of Barcid gold ·» 1-11 Dowler, Amelia / Perucchetti, Laura: Forgeries of Hellenistic bronze coins of Ithaca ·» 13-19, pl.1 Lorber, Catharine C.: The "Pseudo-Chios" mint : a new drachm mint in Asia Minor ·» 21-38, pl.2-6 Ellis-Evans, Aneurin / Erol-Özdizbay, Aliye: Coins from the Kirikhan hoard in Hatay Archaeological Museum ·» 39-58, pl.7-16 Haymann, Florian: Additions and corrections to the numismatic corpus of Aegeae (Cilicia) ·» 59-67, pl.17-1Gennadiou, Antonis: The signs KU, RU and KO on Salaminian coins of the 5th cent. BC ·» 69-94 Rowan, Clare: The Roman tokens in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford ·» 95-125, pl.19-24 Clark, Jared J.: The renaming of Philadelphia Neocaesarea under the emperor Tiberius ·» 127-131, pl.25-26 Woods, David: Commodus, Phaethon, and Ovid? ·» 133-142 Calomino, Dario: Severan cistophori: mint and interpretation ·» 143-156, pl.27-29
Le Blanc, Robyn: The Marsyas of the Forum motif on Coins from Roman Mesopotamia and Osrhoene ·» 157-179, pl.30-31 N.M. McQ. Holmes: Some unusual coin issues of the Valerianic dynasty (AD 253-268) ·» 181-206 Ramskold, Lars: Aborted production and selective coin withdrawal : a die study of the AE coinage of Constantinopolis in AD 326 ·» 207-257 Coupland, Simon: A second supplement to the checklist of Carolingan coin hoards, 751-987 ·» 259-286, pl.32-33 Ilisch, Peter: Pennies of the mint of Emden in the name of Herman ·» 287-307, pl.34-38 Benders, Jos: A gros tournois struck for John of Coevorden (1370/1-1376) ·» 309-311 Woods, David: A follis of Leontius II from Carthage? ·» 313-321 Ünal, Ceren / Toy, Merve: The Kadikalesi/Anaia Hoard B: a group of billon trachea of the Nicaean emperor Theodore I Lascaris from the main church in Kadikalesi/Anaia ·» 323-331, pl.39-41Schulze, Ingrid / Schulze, Wolgang: The standing caliph coins of al-Jazira, an update ·» 333-341, pl.42 Malek, Hodge Mehdi: Newly discovered coins of the Dabuyid Ispahbads and the early Abbasid governors of Tabaristan ·» 343-360, pl.43-47 Tandon, Pankaj: Reattributing some (more) coins of Candragupta II to Candragupta III ·» 361-392 Kalra, Mahesh A. / Pandit, Suraj A.: Evidence of survival of Buddhism in Western India until the fifteenth century: revisiting excavated numismatic evidence from mid-nineteenth century Kanheri ·» 393-405 Wahl, Marc Philipp: Ecoris ic omnipotens - a new work of the medallist Vettore Gambello (1450/60-1537) ·» 407-430, pl.48-49 Coin hoards 2020 ·» 431-480, pl.50-54 Michail Grigor'evič Abramzon: A hoard of second and early third-century AD Bosporan gold from the Taman peninsula ·» 431-444 Schiesser, Philippe / Parverie, Marc: A hoard of Merovingian deniers and sceattas from Combrailles (Creuse) ·» 445-480