AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle the Royal Numismatic Society. London 1955, Sixth Series, vol. XV, No. XLV Brossura ed. pp. 282-xxxviii-23, ill. in b/n, tavv. XVII, in b/n. Indice: Hill, Philip V.: Barbarous Roman coins ·» 1-3, pl.1 Dolley, R.H.M.: The Tywardreath (Fowey) treasure trove ·» 5-9, pl.2 Stewart, Ian Halley: Some unpublished Scottish coins ·» 11-20, pl.3-4 Grant, Michael: The distribution of Nero's copper asses ·» 21-37, pl.5 Grant, Michael: The mints of Roman gold and silver in the early Principate ·» 39-54 Grierson, Philip: The Kyrenia girdle of Byzantine medallions and solidi ·» 55-70, pl.6-8 Sutherland, C.H.V.: The folles of Cyzicus down to A.D. 306 ·» 71-74 Kraay, Colin: The chronology of the coinage of Colonia Nemausus ·» 75-87 Whitting, P.D.: The anonymous Byzantine bronze ·» 89-99, pl.9-10 Scheu, Frederick: The earliest coins of the Bruttians ·» 101-112 Merrifield, Ralph: The Lime Street (1952) hoard of barbarous radiates ·» 113-124, pl.11 Tod, Marcus N.: Epigraphical notes on Greek coinage: addenda ·» 125-13 Jenkins, G.K.: Greek coins recently acquired by the British Museum ·» 131-156, pl.12- 13 Seyrig, Henri: Irenopolis - Neronias - Sepphoris. An additional note ·» 157-159 Seaby, W.A.: Medieval coin hoards in north-east Ireland ·» 161-171 Denaro, Victor F.: The mint of Malta ·» 173-18 Dolley, R.H.M.: A further note on the Harkirke find ·» 189-193 Balog, Paul: Notes on ancient and medieval minting technique ·» 195-202, pl.14 Bivar, A.D.H.: Notes on Kushan cursive seal inscriptons ·» 203-210, pl.15 Welin, Ulla S. Linder: The first known dirham of the Amīrs of Crete ·» 211-214 Vermeule, C.C.: Modern Japanese and Chinese patterns in the British Museum (Part II) ·» 215-221, pl.16-17 Miscellanea ·» 222-257 Reviews ·» 258-275 Grant, Michael, The President's address: Very common coins ·» iii-xii