AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle the Royal Numismatic Society. London 1954, Sixth Series, vol. XIV, No. XLIV. Brossura ed. pp. 238, xxxii, 20, ill. in b/n, tavv. XIV Contents : Robinson, E. Stanley G.: Cistophori in the name of king Eumenes ·» 1-8, pl.1 Kraay, Colin M.: Greek coins recently acquired by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford ·» 9-17, pl.2 Kraay, Colin M.: Caesar's Quattuorviri of 44 B.C.: the arrangement of their issues ·» 18-31, folder, pl.3-4 Mattingly, Harold: Verginius at Lugdunum? ·» 32-39 Robertson, Anne: A Roman coin hoard from Mildenhall, Suffolk ·» 40-52, pl.5 Mattingly, Harold: The coinage of Macrianus II and Quietus ·» 53-61 Sutherland, C.H.V.: A hoard of Roman folles from Wroxton Heath near Banbury, Oxon ·» 62-67 Sutherland, C.H.V.: The folles of Ticinum, A.D. 305-7 ·» 68-75 Dolley, R.H.M.: The so-called piedforts of Alfred the Great ·» 76-92, pl.6 Rigold, S.E.: An imperial coinage in southern Gaul in the sixth and seventh centuries? ·» 93-133, pl.7-8 Carlyon-Britton, Raymond: Henry VIII harp groats and harp half-groats and Edward VI harp groats ·» 134-140, folder, pl.9-10 Lang, D.M.: A hoard of sixteenth and seventeenth century Russian silver coins ·» 141- 162, pl.11-12 Bivar, A.D.H.: The Chaman Huzuri hoard: countermarked Greek flans as the prototypes of the Indian punch-marked coinage ·» 163-172, pl.13 Figulla, H.H.: A "coin" of Cyrus ·» 173 Hulin, P.: The signs on the Kabul silver piece ·» 174-176 Leeds, E.T.: Zinc coins in medieval China ·» 177-185 Vermeule, Cornelius C.: Japanese coins in the British Museum (Part 1) ·» 186-196, pl.14 Miscellanea ·» 197-224 Reviews ·» 225-233