Daunian culture, Subgeometric II, 550-400 BC.
Daunian attingitoio with bichromatic geometric decoration. Flared rim, keeled bowl and vertical surmounting handle; light-coloured purified clay, worked on a fast potter's wheel.
Max height: 108 mm.; Width: 144 mm. Tiny chip on the lid. Nice earthy and roots encrustations. This vase form, so characteristic of the Daunian culture, is very similar in features to the Greek kyathos, in that it is a vase with a single handle and a large bowl. The function was different, however, as the kyathos has a keeled bowl and a completely circular everted lip, which makes it difficult if not impossible to use the vessel for drinking.
Cfr. De Juliis 1977, Forma XIII, Tav. XX, 2a.
Daunian culture, Subgeometric II, 550-400 BC.
Daunian attingitoio with bichromatic geometric decoration. Flared rim, keeled bowl and vertical surmounting handle; light-coloured purified clay, worked on a fast potter's wheel.
Max height: 108 mm.; Width: 144 mm. Tiny chip on the lid. Nice earthy and roots encrustations. This vase form, so characteristic of the Daunian culture, is very similar in features to the Greek kyathos, in that it is a vase with a single handle and a large bowl. The function was different, however, as the kyathos has a keeled bowl and a completely circular everted lip, which makes it difficult if not impossible to use the vessel for drinking.
Cfr. De Juliis 1977, Forma XIII, Tav. XX, 2a.
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