Manuel I Comnenus (1143-1180). EL Aspron Trachy, Constantinople mint, c. 1160-1164 AD. Obv. Christ Pantokrator standing facing; bearded and wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium; in left hand, book of Gospels; to left, IC; to right, XC; stars flanking. Rev. MANV HΛO ΘЄOΔωPO. Manuel bearded (to left) and St. Theodore bearded and nimbate (on right) both standing facing, holding between them patriarchal cross with large globus at base; the emperor wears crown, divitision and loros and holds sword; the saint is clad in military attire and holds sword. D.O. 4c; Ratto 2120; Sear 1959. 4.56 g. 31.50 mm. An outstanding example, sharply struck on a broad unclipped flan, brilliant and lightly toned. EF.