Dea Moneta
Banner Artemide 58E
Lot # 579
Caracalla (198-217). AR Denarius, 207 AD. Obv. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. PONTIF TR P X COS II. Caracalla standing facing, head right, holding reversed spear and parazonium; at feet to left, river god reclining on urn right; to right, two bound captives seated left. RIC IV 96. AR. 3.19 g. 20.00 mm. R. Interesting type. Lightly toned with golden hues. Minor areas of weak strike, otherwise. EF. In 206-207 AD, Caracalla was in Britain, overseeing campaigns against the northern tribes and restoring the crumbling fortifications of Hadrian's Wall. This coin most likely marks these events. The descriptions of the reverse in both RIC and BMCRE are inaccurate; the two outer figures are clearly river gods-bearded, half-draped men holding river reeds. They probably represent the rivers Eden and Tyne, which Hadrian's Wall follows for much of its length. The seated female figure under the protection of the emperor must logically be Britannia.
(CNG 63, 2003, 1437 note).