Italy. Bologna. Francesco Zanotti, 1692-1777. Philosopher and Physicist. Bronze medal (Bronze, 55 mm, 83.00 g). By F. Balugani. FRANCISCVS M ZANOTTVS BONON MATH PHIL POETA MAXIMVS Bust left with long wig, wearing ermine cape; on neck cut F. BALVGANI. Rev. INVENIT DOC VIT PLACVIT Obelisk on pedestal decorated with bas-reliefs and hanging compasses, a square, a book and a lyre. Helmeted and galleyed Minerva on the left, holding shield and spear; on the right, a winged genius holds a laurel wreath. In the exergue PRAECEPTORI ET AMICO CASALIVS BENTIV PALEOT DEDICAVIT. S. Johnson, Johnson Collection of Medals II, 267. Rizzini 1301. Noé, Profilo nella medaglia bolognese nel settecento, "Medaglia" 19, 1984, p. 105, n. 26. Extremely Fine original cast.
The medal was dedicated to Zanotti by his pupil and friend, Marquis Gregorio Casali Bentivogli Paleotti, professor and chancellor of the University of Bologna.
Ex Astarte XX, 30 October 2009, lot 477.