Dea Moneta
Banner Astarte Web Auction 8
Lot # 241
VAILLANT, Jean Foy. SELECTIORA NUMISMATA IN AERE MAXIMI MODULI E MUSEO ILLUSTRISSIMI D.D.FRANCISCI DE CAMPS ABBATIS S. MARCELLI, & B. MARIAE DE SINIACO, CONSISIS INTERPRETAZIONIBUS PER D. VAILLANT D. M. & CENOMANENSIUM DUCIS ANTIQUARIUM ILLUSTRATA. Parisiis, Apud Antonium Dezaillier, in Vico San-Jacobaeo, ad Coronam Auream, 1695 Cum Privilegio Regis. 8°. 24,5 x 19,5 cm. Gorgeous illustrated antiporta, 1, (1), iv, (1), 1, 146 pages, 58 plates depicting coins. Frontespicie in red and black print. Typographic mark, illustrated headpiece. Hardback binding with marbled plates, collection label and gusset with titles on the spine. Some moisture stains without damage to the text. Written ownership with date 1797 on first page. Good condition. Cicognara 3039. Lipsius p. 409. gr. 536