A.N.S. – Museum Notes IX. New York, 1960. E.S.G. ROBINSON. Some Problems in the Later Fifth Century Coinage of Athens. G.K. JENKINS. An Early Ptolemaic Hoard from Phacous. IRWIN L. MERKER. The Silver Coinage of Antigonos Gonatas and Antigonos Doson. ERIK SJOQVIST. Numismatic Notes from Morgantina I. The ΣΙΚΕΛΙΩͲΑΝ Coinage. R. ROSS HOLLOWAY. Numismatic Notes from Morgantina II. Half Coins of Hieron II in the Monetary System of Roman Sicily. THEODORE V. BUTTREY, Jr. The Denarii of cn. Pompeius Jr. and M. Minatius Sabinus. THEODORE V. BUTTREY, Jr. The Denarius of P. Ventidius. COLIN M. KRAAY. Two New Sestertii of Domitian. CATHY KING. The Constantinian Mints 306-313. HOWARD L. ADELSON AND GEORGE L. KUSTAS. A Bronze Hoard of the Period of Leo I. GEORGE C. MILES. Byzantine Miliaresion and Arab Dirhem: Some Notes on Their relationship. GEORGE C. MILES. A Hoard of Arab Dirhems from Algarve, Portugal. GEORGE C. MILES. Notes on Kakwayhid Coins. PAUL BALOG. Dinars of Al-Mu‘azzam Shams al-Din Turanshah, and Al‘aziz Tughtegin, Ayyubid Princes of the Yemen. L.N.KUKURANOV. Fully Dated Coins of Murad Bakhsh, Pretender to the Throne of Hindustan (Dece,mber 1657-June 1658). Pp. 243, tavv. 16. Ril. ed. buono stato.