A.N.S. – Museum Notes III. New York, 1948. Contents. BELLINGER, ALFRED R. Seleucid Mint at Elaeusa Sebaste. BOYCE, ALINE ABAECHERLI.Roman and Byzantine Coins Acquired by The American Numismatic Society in 1947. BRETT, AGNES BALDWIN. Indo-Bactrian Coins Acquired by the American Numismatic Society in 1947. NOE, SYDNEY P. Greek Coins Acquired by the American Numismatic Society in 1947. SUTHERLAND, C.H.V. The “Incuse” Coinages of South Italy. ERLANGER, HERBERT J. - The Counterstamp of the Franconian Circle of 1693. – The Wormser Gift of coins of East Frisia. GRUNTHAL, HENRY. An Unpublished Pallas Three Ducat Piece of Weimar. NESMITH, ROBERT I. - Two Silver Cuartillos of the first Coinage of America. – The 1732 Eight Reales Piece or “Pillar Dollar” of the Mexico City Mint. – CLARK, WILLIAM L. - Coins from Axum. MILES, GEORGE C. - A collection of Letters Written to Stanley Lane-Poole. – Some Early Arab Dinars. WANG, YU-CH’UAN. The distribution of Coin Types in Ancient China. NOE, SYDNEY P. The Zerbe Collection of Lesher Referendum Pieces. Pp. 154, tavv. 26. Ril. ed. buono stato